

My name is Corina. My three-year-old daughter, Itzel, was diagnosed with Myofibromatosis, a rare type of tumor on her left arm. Many treatments such as chemotherapy were performed on Itzel to no avail. In order to save her life, the heartbreaking decision was made to amputate her arm above the elbow.

Now Itzel is progressing although she has a lot of work ahead of her learning to use a prosthetic arm. I am thankful that Miracle Limbs-Courage in Motion is available to assist with her prosthetic arm and is providing support and encouragement in many ways both financial and emotional. We are happy that Miracle Limbs-Courage in Motion exists and are grateful for all the assistance we have received. Words cannot describe our feelings for all the help we have received. It means a lot to my daughter and our family.

Thank you, Bob!!


Hello Bob,

I wanted to give an update on my Mom’s condition and also to send you this note that she wrote for you and your wife.
Her attitude has really taken a complete turn around; she is now very positive and works very hard at her therapy sessions. All the attending therapists are very impressed with her strength and desire and hopeful that she may surprise us all as to how far she will
be able to go.

Recently she was fitted with the first test prosthetic by Pete from Hanger. He brought over his initial socket for her to try on and he took additional notes and measurements for the next devise which he will bring next week. We are delighted with her and in some way attribute her success to your influence and example. My niece Toni, whom you met, has put it very nicely when she says,

“I can’t help but think of Bob, and remember his words … That the only barrier in situations like these are mental, and if one can believe it’s possible, and work toward it that it WILL happen. I know that counts not just for her beliefs, but ours too. The only things that could hold her back now would be a negative outlook, fear, or believing that it’s impossible. I know that our faith in her ability, and our daily positive encouragement to do this helps every step of the way.”

So here is her note to you and your wife, and from all of us Bob, thanks for your help and thanks for caring. She wants to very much cheer on your bicycle marathon to Tampa so let us know when it is.
Querida Pareja tan linda.

Gracias por venir a verme aquel dia, no lo olvido. Fue muy lindo por
parte de ustedes.

Ya probe caminar con la primera pierna de prueba y lo hice bien, espero
seguir asi.

No los olvido, los quiero,

English Translation:
Dear Bob and Diana.
Thank you for visiting me the other day, I will not forget, It was nice on your part. I tried to walk with my new leg for a test and I did very well, I expect to continue with this progress.
I will not forget you, I like you.


“Bob came into my hospital room and answered all my questions and assure me that all would be good. Upon returning home from the hospital, feeling a loss of identity and feeling sorry for myself, I received a call from Bob and then he came over to my home and we spent time talking. It must have been fate that my wife ran into Bob at the time I needed someone that could understand what I was going through.

I began physical therapy and prosthetic fittings for my new leg at Hanger Prosthetics and was attended by Anthony and Loi who are a one on one team and gave me the feeling that I would actually be okay.

After my first walk with my new prostheses, I got emotional and said” look I walked”. What a day that was.

I am on my way to a good life with the help of my loving wife, Debbie, who has been here for me and believes in me. I do feel that God has spared me, maybe to help someone with the same attitude. I know that through this journey I will be an inspiration to others and show them that with a friend like Bob, and a therapist like Anthony and Loi, I can accomplish anything.

It is true that the impossible is an option, not a fact.

Sincerely, Denny

Hardy Croom

Following the surgery to amputate my left leg, I found myself in totally uncharted waters. The need for the amputation had arisen unexpectedly and had to be addressed rapidly. This left little time beforehand for very little besides locating a good vascular surgeon and booking the surgery.
After my release from the hospital, I went directly to an excellent rehab facility; and the wonderful staff there was doing everything possible to help me. I was the only amputee in residence at the time, however; and there were questions about everyday living and coping that could only be answered by someone who had actually experienced and come through the situation his or herself.

This fact was emphasized when my wife and I drove over to Miami for the first follow-up visit with my surgeon, two weeks after the surgery had been performed. It was a long morning; and on the return trip, we decided to take a break and stop for lunch. Before the meal was even served, I began experiencing severe pain. Making this stop had definitely been a poor decision. Later, we went to a rest stop and realized for the first time just how inaccessible some of these facilities actually are for those using wheelchairs or walkers. It was quite an eye-opener.
I returned to Naples feeling isolated and somewhat hopeless. The trip had left no doubt regarding just how much my life had changed. My wife was disheartened by the trip as well and concerned about my mental outlook. I am normally an easy-going, positive person; and the change was very evident.

When she returned home, she began making calls. First, she contacted the people at In Motion, the publication of Amputees Coalition of America, and told them she was looking for a support group here in Naples. The person she spoke with said they had no information about a group here. In fact, the closest one she was familiar with at the time was located in Port Charlotte, and she provided a contact number for the president of the group there. The person at ACA went on to offer to find a peer counselor for me; however, the closest one she had was located in Tampa.

My wife’s next call was to Susan Moore, the president of the support group in Port Charlotte. Susan spent quite a while talking with her, providing reassurance, giving her helpful suggestions and information, and inviting the two of us up to attend their south of Port Charlotte. Later during the conversation, however, she remembered that she had received an e-mail from someone in Naples several months earlier, who was in the process of establishing a group. She promised to look for the e-mail and call back with the address if she found it.

Within a day, my wife received a call from Bob Ayres at Miracle Limbs. Susan had been in touch with him, and he immediately followed up with a call to my wife. Their conversation spanned more than an hour, during which he listened to her concerns regarding my condition and her frustrations at not finding answers to our many questions. Before the conversation ended, Bob promised to contact me the next day. True to his word, he did.
In fact, Bob did a whole lot more than just call me. He came to see me at my rehab center bringing with him not only hope and reassurance but books and pamphlets as well. These provide information that filled-in many of the gaps in my knowledge regarding what I was now experiencing and could expect in the future.

The days following the amputation of one’s limb are indeed difficult ones. Having Bob so willingly provide the support he gave and continues to give has made the journey far less difficult for me. His enthusiasm for life, upbeat personality, and dedication to helping fellow amputees through his foundation, Miracle Limbs-Courage in Motion, all serve as an inspiration to me. He is a wonderful resource and example, and I will always be thankful that God brought him into my life.